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Summerfield welcomes new bakery to Lisieux Way in Taunton

South-west developer Summerfield Commercial is pleased to have helped bring a brand-new bakery to Lisieux Way, Taunton; selling baked goods made traditionally and locally.

Somerset Bakehouse opened its sixth bakery in the county in time to sell seasonal favourites such as yule logs, mince pies and gingerbread alongside its usual range of breads, buns, cakes and pies.

Within a couple of months of initially viewing the premises, the lease with Summerfield Commercial was signed, the shop fitted out in the bakery’s now familiar layout and branding, and the doors were opened for trading.

For Summerfield Commercial, Divisional Director Will Grant said: “It was a remarkably quick turnaround from the time Somerset Bakehouse viewed the unit to the day it opened for business. We are delighted to welcome this locally based, craft baker which is a great fit for our thriving retail parade at Lisieux Way.”

Jack Lowe of Somerset Bakehouse said: “We would like to thank everyone who has been in to support us, and we are grateful to Summerfield for the smooth route to opening.”

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