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New podcast dedicated to South West farmers

Farming insurance experts Cornish Mutual have announced the launch of Farming Focus, a podcast specifically for South West farmers.

Farming Focus brings its listeners the latest on what really matters to farmers across the region.

“Featuring a great line-up of industry experts and leading farmers, we expect Farming Focus to kickstart conversations across the South West and give farmers the knowledge and solutions to face today’s demands,” said Managing Director Peter Beaumont.

The podcast is published fortnightly on a Tuesday morning and hosted by Cornish farmer and businessman Peter Green. It sets out to answer the hard questions and stimulate new ways of thinking.

The first 10-episode series is all about resilience and what it really means with Peter and his guests unwrapping the essential elements involved in building a farming business fit for the future.

Over the next four months, Farming Focus will cover rural crime and government policy to farm safety and animal disease. And it begins by exploring the vital role soil plays in farm resilience and why it’s front and centre of so many current conversations.

“We encourage everyone to join the conversation, gain valuable insights and enjoy listening whenever and wherever suits them best,” concluded Peter. “We remain committed to the farming community and our wider services such as this new podcast help our members manage risk and find a way through an increasingly challenging climate.”

Farming Focus can be accessed through, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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