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Milsted Langdon celebrates success of Taunton Round Table sponsored speaker event

Thousands of pounds have been raised for Somerset-based charity PROMISEworks at the Taunton Round Table Speaker Event, sponsored by leading accountancy firm Milsted Langdon.

The event drew hundreds of guests, who came to listen to the keynote speaker, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, who shared exciting tales of his adventures on his various expeditions around the world.

Guests were left in amazement at the talk from the man described by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s greatest living explorer and enjoyed a three-course dinner.

Taunton Round Table also held its popular auction, which included some interesting lots that were kindly donated by a number of businesses and organisations across the South West.

Thanks to the event at Taunton School, the Round Table managed to raise £17,000 for PROMISEworks, which offers mentoring services to disadvantaged children across Somerset.

Nigel Fry, General Practice Partner at Milsted Langdon’s Taunton office said a few words at the event and provided the ‘loyal toast’ on the night. He said: “It was great to be part of this year’s event and being a long-time sponsor of this excellent night out.

“Sir Ranulph Fiennes’ talk was illuminating and certainly drew a big crowd who dug deep and were very generous with their donations. I hope the money raised is able to make a difference to PROMISEworks and the young people it mentors.”

Milsted Langdon has a proud track record of supporting charity events in Taunton and across the South West. To find out more about its work in the region, please visit

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