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Maxwells promotes newest Partner

The Partners at Maxwells are delighted to announce a recent promotion to partnership for one of their home-grown talented experts.

Jodie Maisey first came to the firm as a school leaver on work experience in 2004 and following completion of her A Levels she officially joined in 2006. Jodie then completed an AAT apprenticeship and began her ACA training with the ICAEW.

Jodie qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2010. Realising her preferred area of taxation, Jodie began studying towards the CTA Examinations and qualified as a Chartered Tax Advisor in 2015.

Jodie advises in all aspects of taxation with a particular focus on corporate tax and assisting clients in a variety of bespoke transactions including business sales, acquisitions and restructures.

Mike Berry said: “I and my fellow Partners have been very pleased with our training regime and that so many of our trainees have qualified within the firm and Jodie is of course one of them.

“She has demonstrated excellent endeavour and honed her taxation skills and will be a great asset to the firm for the future. I wish her well and know that all will support her.”

For more details about Maxwells, current vacancies or how we can help you and your business, visit  

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