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Family law firm achieves accreditation to the International Child Abduction panel

Ian Walker Family Law and Mediation Solicitors are thrilled to have been accepted onto The International Child Abduction and Contact Unit (ICACU) panel. They are one of only 43 legal firms in the Country now able to deal with cases where a child is taken abroad without a parent’s permission.

The ICACU panel carries out the day-to-day duties of the Central Authority of England and Wales for the operation of the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention.

The 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention is an international, multilateral treaty, which seeks to protect children from the harmful effects of cross-border abduction by providing a procedure enabling countries to work together to ensure that an abducted child must, with few exceptions, be returned to their home country.

ICACU has a list of suitably accredited solicitors and Ian Walker Family Law and Mediation Solicitors are now one of a handful of firms based in the Southwest that are registered to deal with the quite often complex cases.

Lucy Roberts (pictured), one of the firms’ private law children Solicitors has expertise in International Child Abduction working with the International Child Abduction and Contact Unit (ICACU). Lucy joined Ian Walker Family Law and Mediation Solicitors in June this year and has practiced exclusively in family law matters since qualifying in 2012.

Lucy has joined the firm at an exciting time as they have taken on many new recruits this year and now have over 20 specialist family law solicitors and legal executives advising and assisting their clients with all areas of family law including divorce and separation, finance, pre-nuptial agreements, mediation and child arrangements.

The company’s areas of expertise now cover divorce and finance, Tolata, private law children, domestic abuse, international child abduction, care proceedings, grandparents’ rights, mediation, collaborative law, and arbitration. Ian Walker Family Law and Mediation Solicitors have won many awards over the past few years, being recognised for their contribution to the legal industry. They have just been shortlisted for the Western Morning News Business Awards, which takes place later this month at Sandy Park in Exeter.

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