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Cognique celebrates 20 years

September saw Cognique celebrate 20 years of business. When the agency started in 2003 (the same year that WordPress launched) social media didn’t exist and the world had to wait another year for Facebook!

The marketing industry may have changed massively in those two decades but, as Cognique Managing Director, Nigel Reece explained, there is one vital element that hass remained consistent: “It’s relationships.

“The relationships we built while networking with other businesses, the relationships with our clients and the relationships formed in our team. That’s where trust is nurtured and loyalty is built.

“We are a results-focused agency and we keep our clients’ business goals in sight and their best interests at heart. We reward them with honesty, expertise and sustained growth.”

Cognique is looking forward to 2024 and another year of growth.

More information is available at

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