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Big sustainability drive for SSG

Local training and consultancy company, SSG, has recently completed exciting developments at its head office in Plymouth, in a bid to become a fully sustainable training centre.

These developments have included the installation of 230 solar panels on the roof of the building, which generate up to 96kw of electricity to supply the building and the six new electric charging points installed in the car park. The firm also has a new secure bike store with the aim to encourage employees and delegates to cycle to work.

SSG’s fleet of electric cars is continuously growing, currently at three fully electric and two plug-in hybrid cars. Some of these projects were supported by Workplace Travel Grant which was made available by Plymouth City Council through the Department of Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund.

Internally, SSG has completely reviewed their entire business processes through their recent achievement of a fully integrated management system incorporating ISO14001, 45001 and 9001. These international standards set out the criteria for systems the business needs to implement to ensure effective management of health, safety, environment and quality, while maintaining focus on continual improvement.

Recent investments in technology have supported the development of a range of online/hybrid training courses, enabling delegates to attend training without having to make the commute. This makes upskilling employees more efficient as well as encouraging others to do their bit to help the environment. SSG also offers consultation services via Microsoft Teams and other platforms rather than employees driving to various locations, cutting down on emissions.

SSG’s range of services includes a number of environmental awareness and management courses, as well as consultancy services, to help clients introduce the management systems necessary to ensure continual improvement in the business.

Mark Salmon, Managing Director at SSG, said: “Successful businesses of the future must prioritise their impact on the environment in the same way they prioritise profit. Improving environmental management is not just an ethical responsibility, it’s a smart business strategy for long-term sustainability and success.

“By improving environmental management, we not only protect the planet for future generations, but also strengthen our brand and reputation.”

If you would like more information on how SSG can help your business on its sustainability journey, please get in touch with the SSG team at

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