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Businesses urged to have their say on Energy Bill Relief Scheme

Last month, the Government announced the Energy Bill Relief Scheme to provide support with energy costs to eligible businesses. As part of this, the Government said it would conduct a review of the scheme so that it could be better targeted. BEIS has launched a questionnaire to gather feedback and is requesting responses by Sunday, October30. Further details of the questionnaire and a direct email address for providing feedback are below.

What is the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS)?
On October 1, 2022, the Government launched the Energy Bill Relief Scheme, which will provide support with energy costs relief to eligible businesses, voluntary sector and public sector organisations in Great Britain until at least through to March 31, 2023. A similar scheme will be established in Northern Ireland.

In parallel, the Government has also launched a three-month review that will consider which non-domestic customers remain particularly at risk to energy price rises after March 31 and the most appropriate means of providing this support.

The EBRS review will consider:

  • How effective the scheme has been in giving support to at risk non-domestic customers
  • Which groups of non-domestic customers (by sector, size or geography) remain particularly at risk to energy price rises, taking into account the latest price position and forward curves, alongside other cost pressures
  • How to continue supporting these customers – either by extending the existing scheme for some users, or replacing with a different scheme
  • Continuing support to those deemed eligible would begin at the end of the initial six-month support scheme, without a gap

It is important that users who are less at risk to energy price increases (particularly larger businesses that are not energy-intensive) use the six months support provided by the scheme to identify measures they can take to protect themselves against high energy prices.

How can I contribute evidence to the EBRS review?  
BEIS officials are currently gathering evidence and data from businesses to inform the review’s decisions. Evidence gathering for the review will conclude at 11.55pm on Sunday, October 30.

Businesses are encouraged to complete the survey questionnaire at the following link: 

This survey includes questions on a range of topics, including information about your organisation, energy costs and usage, other costs and your expectations for the months ahead. Responses to this questionnaire will help inform and shape the review of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme. All of the data provided will be treated as confidential and not shared outside of Government.

Businesses and BROs may also share feedback directly using the email address:

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