Safety in Design Ltd
Business categoriesBusiness Consultancy|Construction|Health and Safety
Business profile
We are developing a range of e-learning in response to customer needs. Our aim is short focussed modules that answer specific requirements at the point of need, giving ready answers and increasing delegate confidence and capability. We are working to provide these in a range of translations including BSL.
As well as CDM2015 core products we provide a platform for subject matter specialists to showcase and earn from one or a few modules in their subject area. Do contact us!
Our strap line ”Life outside the tick box” and our brand word of ”Brave” show we have long recognised that construction health and safety need not be boring but is an integrated part of successful project delivery.
Our Board comprises a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a defence lawyer who was an HSE Major Hazards inspector and a Professor of ICT in the Built environment.
Since Covid we have expanded our team to include a Strategist with special responsibility for customer experience improvement and a sales lead with wide connections across the construction industry.
We work in trusted partnering relationships and value the high volume of repeat business and collaboration.
As well as working with the Directors of major infrastructure projects we work with micro businesses across the built environment and every size and complexity of company and project in between.
We have clients in all sectors including building, architecture, surveying, contaminated land, rail , fast roads, urban roads, forestry, on and offshore wind, battery storage, other EET, nuclear reprocessing, process, pharmaceutical, historic buildings, landscaping, the list goes on.
If we cannot answer your questions, we try to find some one who can.
We love industry wide problem solving and are actively engaged with the Institution of Civil Engineers where Liz Bennett is the CDM 2015 expert, Constructing Excellence SW where Liz is the new chair of the Building Safety Group, the Health in Construction Leadership Group where we focus on designing for improved worker health, ConIAN (HSE Network) and GIRI (the Get It Right Initiative). We also regularly speak at industry meetings and have a long history of supporting academic research, not just via UWE but nationally.
We are interested in productivity, simplifying the complex and empowering people to be the best they can be.