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Quedam Shopping Centre


Business categoriesRetail and Online

Business profile

Located in the heart of Yeovil’s bustling Town Centre, there is an exceptional mix of over 35 stores in the Quedam Shopping Centre. From speciality shops such as Holland & Barrett to large fashion favourites including; Topshop, River Island, JD Sports, New Look, H&M, Primark and more. You’ll also be able to kit out your home with hard and soft furnishings from Dunelm, Laura Ashley and Julian Charles.

Make it a full day out by painting some pottery with Pot Doodles, shopping plastic-free with Take No Wrap, getting a trim at Man About Town Image & Grooming, or even hit up the gym with Anytime Fitness! Finish the afternoon by stopping for a bite to eat at Boswells or M&S Café… with a wide range of hot and cold drinks and delicious food, there’s something for all the family.
The Quedam is easy to get to by car and has over 650 parking spaces, with FREE parking on Sundays and Bank Holidays! Just pop BA20 1JQ into your Sat Nav to find us. The bus station is also situated within walking distance from Quedam.

There are disabled toilets located on the ground floor of the car park which are opened with a radar key or if you’re visiting Dunelm, Boswells Cafe or M&S you’ll find facilities there too. There is a lift on all floors for wheelchair/disabled access.



Quedam Shopping Centre, 10 Ivel Square, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1EY

01935 477754

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