A new initiative is offering organisations and businesses the chance to support important road safety work within Somerset.
Latest data shows the number of injury collisions in Somerset was the lowest ever last year – but there was an increase in the number of people killed or seriously injured.
Somerset County Council’s Road Safety Team has unveiled a range of sponsorship opportunities for businesses and organisations of all sizes to demonstrate their commitment to help build safer communities.
The team runs many events, courses and education programmes and there are all kinds of sponsorship options. Whether it’s child cycling and education courses in schools, working with motorcyclists or older road users to help them travel safely – there will be something to match your promotional budget.
In 2018 the team engaged with over 27,000 people through local events and its extensive range of courses and training. It also received over two million impressions through a strong social media presence via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Sponsorship will generate income for further road safety work at a time of considerable pressure on all local government finance and the council’s budgets.
Councillor John Woodman, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said: “We are continuing to improve lives by investing in road safety and looking creatively at new ways to get people involved.
“We all have a role to play in road safety, whether that’s by changing our own behaviours or helping to raise awareness amongst others.
“This new sponsorship programme is for businesses wanting to give something back to the community by supporting road safety initiatives – something that benefits everyone.
“We have a range of packages available so please get in touch with our team to discuss further.”
The Somerset Road Safety Team is committed to reducing the number of people hurt on the county’s roads by promoting safer travelling through education, training and road safety campaigns.
It has built a solid reputation for delivering quality road safety training, advice and guidance interventions to road users of all age groups and types.
For more information on the full range of sponsorship opportunities available from Somerset Road Safety visit www.somersetroadsafety.org and select the ‘Sponsorship’ tab at the top of the page.
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