With women representing 51% of the population and 47% of the UK workforce, companies are realising the gains to be made in understanding and recognising the specific health and wellbeing needs of their female employees. Continuing their webinar series, WPA has organised two thought-provoking speakers:
Professor Dame Lesley Regan, instrumental in the 2019 Better for Women report and recent President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Lauren Chiren, an Executive Coach specialising in wellbeing whose first-hand experience ignited her mission to remove the stigma around menopause in the workplace.
With very different clinical and corporate careers, these speakers will offer many ideas (some at no cost) to help companies better support and ultimately benefit more from their female workforce, increasing efficiency while retaining highly skilled and committed talent.
Book your free place on this free event today by clicking here
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