With much pre-Budget talk of opportunities to increase the health and productivity of employees, WPA are pleased that there has been no change to guidance surrounding health benefits that cost less that £50.
For companies and their employees these benefits, referred to by HM Revenue and Customs as trivial benefits, are national insurance and benefit in kind tax free.
Having recently launched WPA Digital Health which costs less than the £50 threshold, employers can extend health, diagnosis, primary care and treatment to all employees. Not only will it enhance the overall health of their business, it will reduce the number of days lost through sickness absence – something that according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is at a ten year high.
Charlie MacEwan (pictured) of not-for-profit health insurer WPA said: “While the health of UK employees was not mentioned in the budget, the discussion around corporate healthcare continues. It is great news that Dame Carol Black has been appointed to lead the National Occupational Health Service and that minimum standards for occupational health services will be published in the summer and I look forward to the discussion and debate continuing.
“Employee health not just a health problem, it is an economic problem. These kind of benefits have the ability to boost productivity as well as the economy at little cost to employers and employees.”
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