Somerset Chamber Business Partners offer free vacancy listings for local businesses.
To support local businesses and residents as the country emerges from the COVID pandemic, Newsquest Somerset is about to embark on an eight week campaign, offering local businesses in Somerset the opportunity to list their vacancies for free.
The campaign will launch in the Somerset County Gazette and associated Somerset titles on w/c June 14. Vacancy listings will appear in all four titles, as well as on their respective websites. With a host of audience extension packages available at very competitive costs.
For a select few businesses and organisations, there is the opportunity to partner with the campaign. Being seen to facilitate the offer for other businesses, while benefiting from a significant amount of exposure themselves.
For more information about becoming a media partner, please contact Beverley Fletcher (Sales Manager) on 07970 296569 or email
Alternatively to book your free recruitment listing, please call 0141 302 7525 or email
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