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Richard Huish College Class of 2021 achieve exceptional A Level and Vocational results

Richard Huish College students celebrated excellent A Level and Level 3 Vocational results, as a consequence of the incredible hard work and dedication they put in during one of the toughest and most disrupted years in national educational history.

At A Level, the Class of 2021 achieved an A*-B pass rate of 65%, and an A*-C pass rate of 85%. The overall A Level pass rate is an outstanding 99.8%. Of the students that took Vocational Extended Diplomas, 51% of grades achieved were the very highest Distinction or Distinction* grade.

The Class of 2021 had to navigate huge uncertainty about what form their assessments would take this year and have done so with tremendous resilience and grit.  Rather than a snapshot, grades this year are a reflection of individual performance over time, taking into account a wide range of work to arrive at a robust holistic judgement.

An incredible 128 students achieved three or more A*/A grades in their A Levels. Huish top performers did extremely well across a very wide range of courses, with 25 students gaining straight A* grades in their A Levels. In addition, 24 students gained the very top outcome of triple Distinction* in their Vocational qualifications and on mixed programmes, a further two students achieved two A* and a D* grade. 

Five of the highest achieving students were: Emily Evans (four A* and one A), Adrian Adamiec,  Daniella Treagus, Andrew Power and Julia Jeziorny (four A*).

Emma Fielding, Principal of the College said: “I cannot express how proud I am of our students this year. They have worked so very hard to achieve these outcomes and should be celebrating what are incredible achievements in hugely challenging and uncertain circumstances. I would also like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to our dedicated staff, who have continued to provide high quality teaching and supported Huish students with such care, passion and professionalism”.

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