Businesses and households struggling with poor indoor mobile coverage could qualify for help through the Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) scheme – which has now been extended until December this year.
The CDS scheme is a partnership between local authorities, including Somerset County Council, Somerset West and Taunton and Sedgemoor District Council, Government organisations such as the Heart of the South West LEP and technology firms.
As well as aiming to connect the more rural parts of the region to high-speed, reliable internet, CDS is also offering a Mobile Boost Scheme which gives vouchers towards technology to upgrade indoor 4G coverage in “not-spot” areas.
Businesses and households can apply for a voucher of up to £1,200 towards the cost of one of a number of mobile signal booster options from a registered supplier. The value of the voucher will be dependent on the type of technology most suitable for the premises.
Suppliers will be able to advise on the most appropriate option. Businesses and residents will be required to make a contribution to cover the cost of installation.
For more information and to apply visit Mobile Boost Voucher Scheme – a guide – Connecting Devon and Somerset.
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