Almost 250 people attended two drop-in events held at Ruishton Village Hall last month to find out more about Somerset County Council’s M5 Junction 25 improvement scheme.
Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd, the principal contractor for the scheme, said most of the current activities involved site clearance and preparation works, with around 200 established trees removed from site and replanted at West Monkton Country Park.
In their April newsletter, Alun Griffiths said site compounds were being established at the Ruishton Park and Ride site, as well as within the Tarmac premises in Henlade.
Trial hole surveys were being completed along the Toneway to locate buried utilities and the contractors were also liaising with partners to ensure other works were co-ordinated to take place before the main construction programme began.
This includes Highways England works on the motorway sliproads and a major Somerset County Council scheme to resurface the nearby Hankridge Roundabout. This work was carried out using night-time lane closures with contractors working closely with businesses in the Heron Gate Business Park to meet their needs and keep disruption to a minimum.
Alun Griffiths said more information would be available once the main construction programme was underway and they would aim to provide advance notice of any works which would have an impact on journeys.
For more information about the scheme, log-on to the dedicated Junction 25 webpage at www.travelsomerset.
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