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Huish Hero Amy becomes a 'Maisie manager' to help children

Amy Hubbard (pictured) is the latest student to be nominated as a Richard Huish College Huish Hero after stepping in to become a ‘Maisie Manager’ to help the children of Musgrove Park Hospital and beyond.  

The college’s Huish Heroes are all people who have gone above and beyond to help others during the 2020 pandemic. Amy was nominated by her Godmother, Wendy Hooper, Orthotics Service Manager at Musgrove Park Hospital (MPH).

After a friend of Wendy’s produced a doll dressed in PPE to help children visiting the hospital feel more at ease with the unfamiliar site of the staff in masks, ‘Miss Maisie Mask’ and her friend ‘Matron Maisie Mask’, went viral overnight.  

Wendy found herself inundated with requests for the dolls but as a busy Orthotics Manager and clinician battling a global pandemic, was simply unable to assist. Amy instantly took up the challenge of taking over the ‘Maisies’. 

Wendy said: “She has become Maisie’s manager! She has formed a ‘Maisie Group’ for all those requesting Maisies. This has now gone beyond Musgrove Park Hospital, she is liaising and working with community dentistry, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, minor injury units, as well as literally every department at MPH. This includes liaising with the MPH charity (who have purchased dolls for us), BBC Radio Somerset, charity groups and the fabulous people who turn dolls into Maisies and make little masks”.  

Managing the Maisies, Amy tracks who has requested Maisies and masks and prepares them for collection or to be sent. She also sends regular Maisie updates.


Wendy added: “Without Amy, there would be no Maisies! She has happily put aside as much time as needed and is running everything. She is showing great maturity, fantastic communication skills, and IT work. She is a true Huish Hero and thank goodness for her! I’m so proud of my Goddaughter.”

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