In the latest in a series of blogs, Weston College’s Business Partnership Manager, Louise Greene, explores the link between wellbeing and productivity:
As people, we all know that being in a good state of wellbeing, being happy and fulfilled helps us to perform at our optimum. Organisations that address and support positive health, wellbeing and mental health initiatives are more likely to achieve success through people productivity. But should this not be embedded within all organisations?
The benefits of supporting staff’s health and wellbeing are vast and include employees taking less time off sick, better retention rates, increased desire to progress and be more productive in day to day roles. This has been backed by Public Health England who want employers from all sectors to support the health and wellbeing of their staff.
Productivity, a measure of efficiency, is fuelled by motivation. It can be attributed through effective leadership and management, which in turn provides individuals with a sense of worth and empowerment, creating a supported work environment with a balanced workload. If we interrogate Maslow’s 1943 “Theory of Human Motivation” and looked at the hierarchy of needs, before a person can be at their best or most productive state, they need to satisfy certain needs. One of those needs is health and wellbeing. A person who is fulfilled and motivated will be productive.
The pandemic has provided us all with changes and challenges affecting our lives. From illness, anxiety, loss, social isolation to redundancy. The list is endless. All factors can have deep effects on a person’s sense of wellbeing and productivity.
Weston College is an ambassador for promoting health and wellbeing. We offer support to all students and staff, creating an environment where all can reach their potential. Whether this is a learner gaining their best grade and progressing towards their dream career, or our tutors teaching at outstanding levels.
Weston College have launched the following initiatives to support staff and leaners with their health and wellbeing:
Those who have accessed the Weston College offer have fed back the positive impacts, using the strategies to help them to be their best selves. The evidence is clear, in order to get the best out of people, people need to be at their best.
If you are interested in introducing or enhancing your health and wellbeing offer within your organisation in order to get the best out of your staff, Weston College can support you with signposting to services, as well as offering a range of advice and courses such as;
For a discussion please contact
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