Richard Huish College students were celebrating after an incredibly successful year of A Level and Vocational results. At A Level the Class of 2019 achieved an A* to B pass rate of 53%, and an A* to C pass rate of 78%. The overall A Level pass rate is again an outstanding 99%. Of the students that took Vocational Extended Diplomas, 53% of grades achieved were the very highest distinction or distinction*.
Huish students did extremely well with 72 students gaining three or more A/A*grades, with 17 of these gaining three or more A* grades. Casey Williams is the highest achieving student with an impressive 4 A* grades in Computer Science, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics.
Some of Huish’s highest achievers were:
Casey Williams (former Haygrove School) achieved 4 A* grades in Computer Science, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics. Casey has a place to read Computing at Imperial College, London.
Keziah Gill-Stevens (former The Castle School) achieved 3 A* grades in Mathematics, Chemistry and Politics and an A grade in Physics. Keziah will progress to University of Manchester to read Physics.
Andrew Midenda (former Haygrove School) achieved 3 A* grades in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics and an A grade in Chemistry. Andrew is going to University of Durham to also read Physics.
Jake Moll (former Haygrove School) achieved 3 A* grades in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics and an A grade in Music. Jake will read Engineering at the University of Cambridge.
Josh Goodwin (former Tiverton High School) achieved 3 A* grades in Drama and Theatre Studies, English Language and Literature and Religious Studies. He also gained an A* grade in his Extended Project Qualification. Josh will read English Literature and Philosophy at University of Durham.
Caitlin Horne (former Wadham Community School) achieved 3 A* grades in English Language, French and Mathematics and an A* grade in her Extended Project Qualification. Caitlin will read Modern and Medieval Languages at University of Cambridge.
Will Swainson (former Stanchester Community School) achieved 3 A* grades in English Literature, Law and Politics. His Extended Project Qualification grade was an A*. Will plans to progress to University of Cambridge to read Law.
A further six students achieved an incredible 3 A* grades in their A Levels. These students were Matt Garner (Further Mathematics, Mathematics and Physics), Arthur Burns-Cox (Biology, Mathematics and Physics), Ellie Taylor (Biology, Chemistry and Spanish), Josh Elliott-Smith (Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics), Jessica Godfrey (Accounting, Business and Psychology) and Mara Carey-Wood (Biology, Chemistry and English Language and Literature).
Ten students achieved the very highest grades, 3 Distinction*, in their Extended Vocational Diplomas. These include: Evan Chase (Pop Music and Music Production), Eren Boga (Pop Music and Music Production), Madi Fisher (Pop Music and Music Production), Sophie Bareham (Information Technology), Finn Anderson-Wishart (Sport), Charlie Bett (Business), Freya Rodgers (Business), Jess Wells (Sport), Sam Coleman (Information Technology) and Hamish Halliday (Digital Media). In addition, Evie King achieved Distinction* grades in Digital Media and Music Production and an A grade in A Level Music. Maxwell Davis achieved a Distinction* grade in Digital Media, an A* grade in Economics and an A grade in Business.
Students achieved a 100% pass rate in the vast majority of subjects. Particularly impressive were the A* – B grades for Further Mathematics (87%), English Literature (73%) and Economics (72%). Notable also are the A*- C grades for Dance (100%), Classical Civilisation (88%), Business (87%), Music (85%), Mathematics (84%) and Biology (82%).
Once again the College’s Vocational students achieved their courses with an impressive set of results. For the first year these Vocational students had external assessments as part of their course, which makes their results even more impressive. Across all Vocational Extended Diplomas, 53% of students achieved a distinction or distinction* in their grade profile. They also achieved 100% pass rate in all their Technical Vocational qualifications.
The Richard Huish College Class of 2019 has managed to significantly surpass national averages at A Level and equivalent qualifications. College Principal, John Abbott said: “I am immensely proud of the hard work our Huish students put into preparing for these examinations. As one of the country’s highest performing sixth form colleges, and one of the best in the South West, these results show that we are the best place to study locally in the face of rigorous A Level examinations.
“Technical qualifications are going to have a greater prominence in the future educational landscape, so I am particularly pleased to see our excellent results in these subjects this year. Of course, our students’ achievements begin with the efforts of our partner schools and are consolidated by the commitment, work and expertise of our College staff.”
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