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Clarke Willmott’s Stuart Hoysted named Under Sheriff of Somerset 

Stuart Hoysted, a senior associate and technical director at the Taunton office of national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP, has been appointed Under Sheriff of Somerset. 

The new High Sheriff, Robert Drewett, made his declaration at the Legal Service held at Wells Cathedral, and is the first High Sheriff of Somerset to be appointed by King Charles III. 

Stuart, a member of Clarke Willmott’s debt recovery team, replaces former Under Sheriff, Gervase Channer who held the position for the past 35 years.  

“The role of High Sheriff is an ancient one but still very relevant today,” said Stuart, who joined Clarke Willmott in 1999. 

“It is a great honour to support the High Sheriff and provide any necessary advice and assistance as may be required by the office. 

“I look forward to playing a part in helping bring together a wide variety of individuals and office holders for the good of the community in Somerset. 

“Gervase Channer has done a sterling job as Under Sheriff these past 35 years, and I hope to be a worthy successor and bring continuity to the role.” 

The office of high sheriff dates back more than 1,000 years and gives support to the county’s judiciary, magistracy, emergency services and the voluntary sector. 

As part of his Under Sheriff role, Stuart helped Robert Drewett prepare his formal declaration, assist in the legal service at Wells Cathedral, and to ensure that correct protocol was followed. 

The post also includes acting as secretary to the County Nomination Panel, assisting with the High Sheriff Awards, and acting as shrieval archivist. 

The office of High Sheriff is held for one year. It is purely voluntary, and the incumbent receives no salary or expenses. 

Clarke Willmott is a national law firm with offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton, and Taunton. 

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