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Careers not courses – creating Career Excellence Hubs

There is often a misconception that education providers prepare their learners to pass exams, rather than preparing them for a career in their chosen industry – but this is simply not the case at Weston College, writes Weston College Principal, Dr Paul Phillips CBE (pictured).

We have long lived by the motto of creating brighter futures, and last year in response to the White Paper Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth, we launched our very own Career Excellence Hubs.

A key part of our ambition for our learners is to ensure that our curriculum delivers the skills required by industry, and the Career Excellence Hub allows us to align ourselves closer than ever to employers – who assist in developing what is in our curriculum and to provide inspirational learning experiences for our students.

We have developed a Career Excellence Hub for each of our fourteen subject areas, meaning that each Hub is bespoke to its industry. It also offers the absolute best support in well-being, inclusive practice/SEND and digital technology with an ambitious vison linking to WorldSkills UK – to raise aspirations of learners regardless of their starting point in life.

One of the best aspects of our Career Excellence Hubs, is linking up with so many forward-thinking organisations, that like us, are passionate about giving young people opportunities, and developing them into professionals that positively impact our communities.

Across our Hubs we are working with organisations of all sizes, from SMEs such as Abatec, Busy Buddies and The Beauty Spot, to world renowned brands such as Rolls-Royce, Thatchers and Mercedes (Synter Group) – this really is an initiative to support all.

We are one term in to having our Career Excellence Hub and our learners are benefitting hugely from it. Just before Christmas I was in a carpentry session, and the enthusiasm from the learners was inspiring. They were telling me all about what they have learnt about the industry, the skills they had been learning, and how they have been putting them into action – including building a bike shed for a local primary school!

As a college we are always looking to raise career aspirations and provide opportunities for learners and employers which create space for growth. If you would like to get involved with the Career Excellence Hub, we would really value your input and support. You can find out more, here:

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