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Call for businesses to inspire the future workforce during college progression week

Weston College is offering local employers the opportunity to help deliver a series of interactive workshops with their sixth form A level learners to help steer their career path and make sure they are aware of and apply their transferable skills in the workplace.

Skills and accessing future talent is a key topic for discussion with businesses – improving skills and tackling labour shortages were the key topics discussed by chamber chief executives, at a meeting last month with Education Secretary Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP.

Weston College works alongside Somerset Chamber as a Business Partner and is keen to work with employers to make students understand the importance of transferable skills, and how they can be applied in the workplace.

Monday, June 24, marks the start of the college’s ‘progression week’ for its A Level students. Although career decisions are important, the college also recognises that young people developing transferable skills is vital during education and during the early part of the year.

The progression week gives learners both essential support and raises their aspirations in preparation for their next steps into higher education, employment and apprenticeships. Across the week there are a variety of workshops and panels which learners sign-up to based on their interests.

The college is appealing for businesses to support progression week to inspire the future workforce by delivering a guest talk or workshop on Monday, June 24, at their sixth form campus in Weston-super-Mare.

David Crew, Weston College’s Head of Business Growth and Employer Partnerships, said: “As we’re expecting 150 students to book a place at various sessions on Monday, June 24, we are looking for employers to deliver practical workshops that will focus on recognising and applying transferable skills in the workforce.

“We love employers coming in, delivering engaging activities and sharing their own lived experience. We’re looking to focus these sessions on eight different skills, a focus on one skill for each workshop.

“These skills are communication, maths, teamwork, problem solving, networking, analytical and critical thinking, research and investigation, initiative and enterprise. Each session will have a maximum of 25 learners in attendance, with support provided by college staff.

“We want the sessions to be practical and highly interactive, highlighting skills students have or learnt on their recent weeks’ work experience. We’re looking forward to collaborating with employers on June 24, supporting our learners to be ready for the workplace”

Businesses are being encouraged to register interest via the link below and the Weston College team will contact those who register to support with preparations for the day.

Any employers interesting in taking part can register their interest here.

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