Albert Goodman has designed an online Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS) calculator which enables people to input employee data to obtain an accurate and effective understanding of what may be claimed for furloughed employees under the JRS.
Not only can the calculator assist with claims where firms have already run payroll, but it can also assist in calculating maximum claims where companies have yet to deal with payroll – although claims should not be submitted more than 14 days before a claim period ends.
This additional function can help plan cash flow, by understanding what grant income may be payable.
The rules around apportioning employer’s NIC costs and pension contributions are complex, especially where employers are topping pay up either by choice, or to cover holiday pay or non-contractual payments such as commissions. The calculator will work out the correct apportionment whether firms top ups are by choice, contractual or other.
Albert Goodman has designed the job retention scheme calculator to be as simple to use as possible and it is confident that is much easier to use than the online tool currently offered by the HMRC.
It is important that businesses who claim under the JRS have a clear record of what is being claimed and that the claim is as accurate as possible given HMRC will have the ability to review claims up to five years later and, it is believed, checks have already started.
Businesses which would like to make use of our job retention scheme calculator, should complete the online contact form found on the Albert Goodman website by clicking here. The company is giving out the spreadsheet to use free-of-charge, although by providing contact details, businesses will be agreeing to a member of the Albert Goodman team to contact them to discuss their business and for Albert Goodman to retain the business details for future marketing purposes.
Anyone who would like an overview of the JRS before making use of the calculator can find a detailed guide to the job retention scheme on the Albert Goodman website here.
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