Young Enterprise is a not-for-profit business and enterprise education charity that supports young people to develop the employability skills that employers demand, by delivering enterprise and financial education programmes in schools, colleges and universities. The charity makes the connection between school and the world of work, enabling young people to develop the knowledge and attitudes they need to succeed.
Young Enterprise runs a ‘company programme’ where young people make all the decisions, from deciding on the
company name and product, to creating a business plan, managing the finances and selling their products at trade fairs. On Saturday 10 March 2017, a group of young people from Richard Huish College and Taunton School both had market stalls in the Orchard Centre.
Tracey Prosser, Young Enterprise Area Manager, commented ”The Orchard Centre and their staff were amazing in giving the young students both the time and space right in the heart of Taunton. The staff were great in checking the students had everything they needed. The customers of Taunton purchased goods from both Richard Huish College and Taunton School and in doing so gave the students a great chance to talk about what they were doing and why. Richard Huish College had beautiful handmade phone covers and Taunton School were supporting a social enterprise for the homeless”.
Alistair Tudor, Head of Chamber Services at the Somerset Chamber of Commerce, said “Its great to see charity and education members working together”.
Tracey Prosser, added ”A big thank you to the Orchard Centre for all your help and we are looking forward to working with Clarks Village at the end of April”.
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