Following Boris Johnson’s press conference encouraging us to work from home where possible, here at RBHR we are trying to support our clients in practical terms on how to make this possible and offer advice on what to do when it’s not that straight forward, writes Managing Director Ben Malik.
Check list:
If the answer to this is yes, then brilliant! We suggest piloting it for one or two days to work out if there are any snags that you need to sort out. Email everyone and establish what the expectations are of what needs to be achieved everyday, but be mindful and understanding that to most this will be a new way of working, so give people space to learn and settle.
But what if this is not possible for some employees who need access into the office?
It maybe at least possible to reduce the traffic into the office, by allowing those who can work from home to be at home, and those who can’t to have reduced contact with people coming into work.
The advice here would be:
Be prepared to change your approach on a daily basis as more Government information is shared.
We are in uncharted waters, there is no blue print on how to respond to every eventuality. But should situations arise, know that we are here to help, so please just call us and we will be happy to help. Also please see below our latest update on the news.
The latest update from the Government (18/3/2020)
Rishi Sunak announced support to the UK economy with £330bn of business loans during the coronavirus pandemic.
The government also unveiled cash grants of £25,000 to help pubs, restaurants and shops.
The UK Foreign Office (FCO) has advised against all but essential travel to anywhere in the world for at least the next 30 days to prevent the spread of coronavirus as experts admitted the UK could already have up to 55,000 cases of the coronavirus.
UK Government postpones changes to IR35 tax rules to April 6, 2021.
Trade Unions across the world are leading the battle to ensure workers receive sick pay, avoid catastrophic loss of income if employers are closing businesses and governments put measures in place to protect homes.
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