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Still time to support air ambulance grand summer draw as date extended

Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance hold two Grand Raffle Draws a year, one during the summer and one at Christmas. These help to raise vital funds for the charity.

Due to a delay in some supporters receiving their Beeline magazine and raffle tickets for the upcoming Grand Summer Draw, which was originally planned to take place on July 8, 2021, the charity has decided to extend the draw date by two weeks. This is to allow all our members to have the opportunity to return their tickets.

The new draw date is now Thursday July 22, 2021. Grand Draw Tickets can still be purchased at £1 each or in books of 10 by telephoning 01202 849530 or emailing,

All tickets need to be returned to the following address no later than Wednesday, July 21: DSAA Lottery, Unit 3, Brook Road Industrial Estate, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2BH.

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