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SS&L offers host of distance learning courses

Somerset Skills and Learning (SS&L) is making life under lockdown a little easier for anyone over the age of 19 who has lived in the EU for at least three years.

Knowing there’s never been a better time to learn something new or improve existing knowledge and skills, SS&L is offering all its distance learning courses for just a £99 registration fee for those aged over 19 and with a three-year residency in the EU.

The online courses are the perfect opportunity to begin studying a new subject or to improve existing skills at home. Courses can be started at a time that’s convenient for the learner and can be studied at whatever pace suits them best. Learners also have the support of SS&L’s expert local tutors over the phone and online.

Courses range from leadership and management, mental health and customer service to understanding autism and much more. More information is available online here.

Anyone who needs advice should contact the SS&L team using Live Chat, social media or the contact us form.

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