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SSG champions community by sponsoring local netball team

SSG Training and Consultancy has sponsored a local netball team, which is part of the Madballs NRC, a dedicated group of athletes who are on a mission to make a grand return to their division, after being relegated last year.

This new sponsorship comes as part of SSG’s commitment to fostering community engagement and promoting health and fitness.

The team is a friendly, close-knit group and one of four competing in their division. Last year, they faced the challenges of relegation but are now determined to come back stronger than ever.

A spokesperson for SSG said through the sponsorship, the company was not only investing in a sports team but also in the development of local talent and community spirit. In doing this, they hoped to encourage a culture of giving and social responsibility.

Denise Maclean, Commercial Director at SSG, said: “We are committed to helping local communities and designated charities through our ‘Beyond Business’ activities.

“Sponsoring this wonderful netball team is about supporting not only hard work but also teamwork and friendship. We are looking forward to seeing how they perform over the next few months!”

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