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Somerset Fund annual impact report published

Somerset Community Foundation recently published their annual impact report for The Somerset Fund, which matches donations by 50% thanks to Somerset County Council. Donations are then awarded as grants to a host of small, local charities and community groups across the county.

Kelly Hall, Development Manager at Somerset Community Foundation, said: “We’re so very grateful to the many local businesses and families who have generously donated to The Somerset Fund this year. A lot of the groups we’ve supported find it difficult to secure funding, and are often led by volunteers working at a very local level. For these organisations, a small grant can make the world of difference, and every penny goes a long way to helping them make Somerset a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.”

The report is full of stories of some of the 68 amazing groups supported by the Fund in 2020/21, all of whom are changing lives across Somerset and making our communities stronger every day.

Find out more about The Somerset Fund and read the report here:

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