The Somerset Business Agency is launching an exciting new programme on September 1 that will be available to all farmers and land managers who are based in Somerset.
Called the Future Farm Resilience Programme, the scheme is designed to help those eligible businesses to learn more about:
These topics will be delivered through a programme of five free workshops with the first “Introduction to Navigating the Agricultural Transition” events taking place throughout Somerset during September followed by “Environmental Schemes for Farms of the Future” in October; “Planning for a Successful Future” in November; “Farm Diversification for Future Resilience” in December & January; with “Resourcing the Farm with the Right People & Skills” in February completing the winter programme.
The September dates are: 8th at The Bath & West Showground; 14th at J24 Sedgemoor Market; 21st at Croydon House, Rodhuish, 23rd Jordans, Ilminster and 28th at Sheppy’s Cider Farm, Taunton – all the meetings start at 7pm with refreshments and conclude by 9.30pm.
The programme also offers farmers free one-to-one sessions with a business advisor to help them map out their future plans and cash flows to take account of the diminishing farm payments.
To be eligible for the programme the farmer and/or landowner must be in receipt of BPS. The support is fully funded so will be free of charge to them. This programme is delivered on behalf of DEFRA and Devon County Council.
More information is available online at Future Farming Resilience | Somerset Business Agency where there is also a facility to register interest and to book on to the events.
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