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School bag and pencil complete marathon fundraiser for charity!

Luke Simon, founder and CEO of Somerset-based charity School in a Bag and his good friend Claire Babbage have raised more than £1,200 for the charity after successfully completing the London Marathon in fancy dress.

Fittingly, Luke dressed as a school bag, while Claire joined the field of 42,750 runners as a pencil!

It was the second time Luke had competed in the London Marathon and both he and Claire found the second half of the race a real struggle.

Luke said: “Claire developed a cold in the build-up to the run and really struggled on the day, feeling sick at mile eight, so we managed our pace and nutrition accordingly to get us to the end in 5 hrs 20 minutes – and in doing so, adopted the attitude that the longer we were on the course, the more awareness we would raise!”

Along the way the pair saw many familiar faces who had travelled to London to cheer them on, including Luke’s parents and daughters.

Luke said: “The atmosphere of the huge crowds that line the streets from start to finish cheering, shouting and willing runners on, make it an extraordinary experience. Add to this the signs of encouragements and numerous bands along the 26.2 mile course and it did make for an unforgettable day.

“I raised my fundraising target from £600 to £1,118 after the Yeovil Half Marathon, where Jules Richards accompanied me running as the pencil, as this was the number of runners that we overtook starting last as the charity chaser.

“I am delighted to say that thanks to some very generous donors, I managed to surpass my second target and have been able to fund a brilliant 61 school bags that will be given to children in Zambia.”

Luke thanked everyone who had supported him and said donations could still be made online at:

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