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Response to pandemic results in creation of new marketing academy

The pandemic has demanded fast pivots from businesses all over the world. Automation
Ninjas wanted to reassure, encourage and build its audience up over this very challenging
time.  They decided to create something that was valuable for small businesses to take and
implement into their strategies so that they could thrive through the storm.

Their COVID-19 counter attack kicked off back in April and ran weekly for 13 weeks. Every
week there was a live session accompanied by a workbook that attendees could use to engage
with throughout the training. The topics covered included: lead magnets, list building,
newsletters, nurture campaigns, re-engagement, objections and offers, sales campaigns,
customer lifetime value, testimonials, customer journey building, data and feedback. On top of
this there were also two expert-led sessions on websites and content.

The webinar series organically grew into The Marketing Automation Academy,  a thriving community of like-minded individuals, hungry for strategic success that is automated.
The academy now includes regular training, live feedback, Q&A time and a vault of over 60 videos!
There is lots of Slack interaction and support as well.

“Since joining the academy I have a better grasp of my customer journey and what’s in my head
is actually missing quite a few steps. Kenda is helping me to fill them and is helping me create
that seamless customer journey I’m after,” said Tracey Tait, Marketing Training and Consultant.
More information is available online at:

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