On Friday 2 February, David Warburton visited Frome College to host a talk and a ‘Q&A’ session with Year 11 to 13 Law & Politics students in the Merlin Theatre.
To kick start the session, David spoke to the crowd of students in depth about his career in politics, his daily life in the Houses of Parliament, and the interesting 800 year old voting processes which politicians and backbenchers still have to adhere to. He told the audience how excited he is about his new role, and the prospect of moving from the back benches to the new department, being more closely involved in the decision making of Parliamentary leadership.
David has recently been promoted to Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to the Department for Education, which he is very pleased about. In his role as departmental PPS, David will support the department and help keep ministers in touch with backbench opinion on education policy.
Headed by new Secretary of State for Education, Damian Hinds MP, the Department for Education is responsible for children’s services and education including higher and further education policy, apprenticeships and wider skills.
An experienced former teacher himself, David began his career teaching music at an inner-city comprehensive school in central London. He also taught at the Junior Department of The Royal College of Music and, for a decade, gave piano and composition lessons.
Following his introductory talk, David hosted a questions and answers session from the students who are studying Law & Politics. Many students were very keen to find out the local MP’s views about topics that interest them including, same sex marriage, Brexit, the NHS issues which have been in the news this winter, and how university fees will affect them moving forward for their further education.
Assistant Principal, Mrs King, brought the event to a close and thanked David for all his support both here at Frome College, and also taking time out of his busy schedule when our students visit the Houses of Parliament – our future voters!
After the fast paced hour long session, David said: “As ever, it was fabulous to meet and talk to students from Frome College and get stuck into some very stimulating discussion. It’s always so clear just how well they’re engaged in politics and all issues of the day – and they never hold back when it comes to the tricky questions! I’m very grateful to Frome College and the brilliant students for their time – it was great to be there.”
We would like to thank David for his continued support of Frome College, and look forward to further projects in the future.
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