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Proposed New Council for Taunton Deane and West Somerset

Sent on Behalf of the Leaders of Taunton Deane Borough Council and West Somerset District Council


As you may be aware that Taunton Deane Borough Council and West Somerset District Council submitted a proposal to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, in March 2017.

On 30 November 2017, the Government announced that it is “minded to” approve the creation of a new district council covering our areas.

We remain certain that our proposal will deliver further savings, service improvements and resilience, stronger leadership and improved local governance.  Ultimately it will deliver financially viable local government services in our area in the future. 

This new council will make sure we can continue to deliver the services that our residents value, and allow us to focus on our economy, supporting the delivery of Hinkley Point C new nuclear power station and fully embracing the opportunities afforded by Garden Town status awarded to Taunton.

Before the Secretary of State makes his final decision there is a period until 19 January 2018 when interested parties can make further representations.

This is an important opportunity for key local stakeholders such as yourself to respond directly to the Secretary of State with your views on our proposal.

Representations can be sent in writing to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF prior to his deadline (a copy for our records would be very welcome) or via email to

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact Emily McGuinness (E-mail:, Tel No:  01823 218757).


John Williams                                    

Leader Taunton Deane Borough Council         

Anthony Trollope-Bellew

Leader West Somerset District

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