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Porter Dodson recognised as an Investor in People

Porter Dodson has retained the Investors in People Gold standard accreditation after being assessed against a new framework,  joining the top 10% of accredited organisations across the UK who believe in realising the opportunity of their people.

Porter Dodson is a Top 200 UK Law firm with eight offices across Somerset and Dorset, offering a diverse range of personal and commercial legal advice. The business is built on its excellent relationship with its clients and professional contacts.

Investors in People is the UK’s leading accreditation for business improvement through people management, and provides a wealth of resources for businesses to innovate, improve and grow, with a focus on good people making great business.

Commenting on the award, Managing Partner, Robert Fox, said: “We are proud to have retained the Gold accreditation, especially against the new, higher standard, which assesses a wide range of parameters, and involves an audit of 50 of our staff by the IiP assessor.

“We have amazing people in this business, it is a great place to work and that’s why we are an employer of choice. I would like to thank everyone here and with whom we work, for their continued support and embracing the initiatives that are integral to our success, enabling us to give our clients the best possible service.”­­­

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