Local community groups and organisations have benefited to the tune of over £30,000 from the seventh and eighth rounds of grants recently awarded from the Hinkley Point C Community Fund Small Grants Programme, managed by Somerset Community Foundation (SCF).
The grants fund community projects that mitigate the impacts and increase the opportunities of the Hinkley Point C project. Charities, voluntary groups or social enterprises that normally operate on less than £100,000 a year are encouraged to apply.
The groups* to benefit from the latest grant funding and a summary of their projects are:
*A total of £3,800 has also been agreed to one other group but not yet paid.
Pat Robinson, Treasurer at Inland Waterways Association, said: “The branch is delighted to receive this grant from the HPC Community Fund. It will enable our volunteers to continue to keep our waterways in good condition which will benefit the whole of the community.”
Further information regarding the Hinkley Point C Community Fund Small Grants Programme and how to apply for a grant can be found at: www.hpcfunds.co.uk or you can get in touch with Luke Mitchell, Programmes Manager at Somerset Community Foundation by email: luke.mitchell@somersetcf.org.uk or you can call him on: 01749 344949.
If you run a local community project and would like to find out more about grant funding in general, please call Somerset Community Foundation on: 01749 344949 or visit: www.somersetcf.org.uk.
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