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The One Step Foundation Somerset Skills & Careers Fair 2017

The One Step Foundation Somerset Skills & Careers Fair returns for the fifth anniversary year on Wednesday 11th October at The J24 Venue (Sedgemoor Auction Centre), North Petherton.

Over 3,000 people from across the county attend the Somerset Skills & Careers Fair each year, which along with over 80 exhibitors make it the largest of its type in the South West. 

The Careers Fair remains free to attend in 2017 and features two distinct sessions:

  • 0930-1330 – to inspire students in Years 10-11+, showcasing the exciting and extensive range of options on leaving school/college.
  • 1500-1900 – recruitment fair open to all, for those looking for a new career or to retrain. The wall of live vacancies will return, detailing job openings and training course placements.  Also open to students (with parents) who can’t make the earlier slot. 
  • The fair is closed to the public between 1330-1500.

This will be the second time we have hosted a jobseeker session, following the success of this new feature in 2016. We’re confident it will benefit commercial organisations looking to recruit on the day or find their next apprentice (remember, apprenticeships are not just for young people) – it’s rare for a recruitment budget of £300 to go so far!  For education and training exhibitors, this is the chance to sign up mature students and find new recruits for workplaces too. 

This free event promises to be interactive and fun, with visitors to the afternoon slot reminded to bring their CV as exhibitors will be featuring live vacancies and attendees may walk out with a job!  Visitors do not need to book in advance; they can simply come along on the day between 0930-1330 or from 1500-1900 at their convenience.

There will be an extensive range of over 80 exhibitors, including further/higher education providers, gap year specialists, the armed forces and training companies, with industries such as care, health & beauty, engineering, manufacturing and accounting all being represented, along with Hinkley Point C project too.  Please follow this link to see the full range of exhibitors for 2017:

In response to feedback from 2016, the fair will run until 7pm this year so it is accessible for those already in work and for parents to attend with children of school leaver age (whether or not the student attended with their school during the morning).


Here’s what’s new for 2017:

  • We will be joined at 10.30am by our special guest Somerset Championship Captain Tom Abell, who is hoping to inspire students with his journey.  Cllr Diogo Rodrigues, Deputy Mayor for Bridgwater will also be with us from 11am. 
  • We’re hoping for a fair forecast so visitors can fully enjoy the experience of the Army helicopter outside the main entrance to the Careers Fair, along with The Spin Bus, a mobile spin studio with 12 state of the art spin bikes and disco lighting.
  • Inside there will be a Flash Mob performing throughout the aisles at 10am and again at 11am courtesy of The SPACE.  Local community radio station Sedgemoor FM will be carrying out live interviews during the morning with exhibitors and visitors. 
  • Choices for Life – away from the main hall, this is an exhibit organised by Somerset County Council and designed by young people.  The aim is to help vulnerable young people and their carers access the information, advice and guidance required to make the best choices in their education and future lives.
  • All visitors will receive a Show Directory – a keepsake detailing the exhibitors at the show, free to everyone who attends and available online from the start of October at www.onestepfoundation/careers-fair
  • Finally, all exhibitors will receive a Guide to Exhibiting – tips to help attendees get the most out of their day, available on placing an exhibitor booking.

We had overwhelmingly positive feedback from exhibitors and visitors in 2017, as well as constructive responses to help us further improve the experience for this, our fifth anniversary year. 

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