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Musgrove staff receive Level 2 Awards at Richard Huish College

Employees from a wide range of departments at Musgrove Park Hospital, in Taunton, celebrated earning their Level 2 Awards in Medical Terminology at Richard Huish College last week.

The course took 12 months to complete on a day release basis, alongside their various hospital roles. Impressively all 10 students passed, with seven receiving over 90% in their exam to earn a Distinction grade.

Speaking of her time at Huish, student Tracy Troup, said: “The tutors were extremely knowledgeable about the subject, lessons were always interesting and supportive of learning, delivered with a positive approach to learning.”

Kathryn Thurlow added: “The course gave me a boost in confidence to go and study more”. Whilst learner, Helen Bluff shared, “It has already gained me a new job in a more complex speciality than the one I did.”

The Level 2 course in Medical Terminology is run biannually and Huish offers a wide range of bespoke courses for businesses and learners looking to advance their careers. More information about apprenticeships and professionals’ courses the College has to offer is available on the College website, or by emailing the apprenticeship team on

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