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Lockdown presents huge opportunities for coaching and training consultancy

When the COVID lockdown news hit in March 2020 the first reaction of Lorraine Stamp, of face-to-face coaching and training consultancy You’ll Know When You Get There was “Well, that’s it, my business will close”.  Then things changed.

With her only digital skills at the time being Word, PowerPoint and emails, Lorraine (pictured) embarked on a 40-day creating transformations online course. This transformed her whole perspective of the digital world and she soon found herself able to easily apply her new digital skills and knowledge day-by-day.

The first product she created was “Ask the Expert”, a series of interviews with guests from all over the world and a live audience.  She also gained clients on a one-to-one basis because of the amount of exposure that was created.

Around the same time, Lorraine also discovered she had been nominated for an award from Successful Women in Business in the public speaking category before being named as a finalist: “This is in my first year of trading, I feel incredibly proud,” Lorraine said.

“News started to get out and I was asked to speak at several events all over the country.  I have been interviewed for several podcasts and business shows.  This is again a whole new world to me.

“Lockdown has presented a great opportunity to review my business offer and long-term vision.  I knew my core values and the main reason I was in business, but where was I going?”

With 20 years of experience as a knowledgeable and experienced Personal Development Specialist already under her belt she decided to gain additional accredited qualifications.  

“I am now accredited as a Mindfulness Coach, Meditation Practitioner, Master Coach, Transformational Hypnosis Coach, Regression Therapist, A NEO big Five Personality Practitioner and I completed my Neuroscience Professional Diploma with the BPS to name a few. 

“One of my key goals by 2025 was to be a TEDX speaker. I achieved this in August 2020.  I believe if an opportunity comes up, that fits with your vision, you have to grab it.  My TEDX talk is called “From Stress to Success”,” said Lorraine.

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