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King's Hall pupils get on their bikes to raise £700 for charity

Coronavirus may have put a halt to their whole-school fundraisers, but it certainly hasn’t stopped pupils at King’s Hall School who continue to plough ahead with their own charitable efforts.

Last week a group of King’s children hit the road in support of Christian Aid. Siblings Archie and Hattie E (Year 6 and Year 2), Martha and Mabel J (Year 4 and Year 2) and Bobbie and Annabelle F (Reception and Nursery) cycled an impressive 70km around the grounds at King’s College.

The group were inspired by a recent assembly led by the school’s Chaplain, Father Mark, who spoke about the amazing work of Christian Aid. The charity, who recently launched their Coronavirus Emergency Appeal, are currently responding to outbreaks of the disease around the world, working with partners and faith leaders to offer hygiene kits, PPE and food packages to vulnerable communities.

As a result of their efforts, the King’s Hall children featured on the BBC Somerset breakfast show last week, speaking to presenter Claire Carter as part of the station’s ‘Make a Difference’ campaign. They have also raised over £700 for their chosen charity.

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