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Jays' Dan saves man's life in pub choking drama

Dan Sketchley, of Jays Transport, has been hailed as a hero for coming to the rescue of a fellow diner when he choked.

Dan was having a meal with work colleagues in The Super Mare pub when he noticed a man in distress, on a nearby table. Pete Maynard was in the pub in Weston-super-Mare with his wife Sara, when he started choking on some food.

Dan performed the Heimlich  manoeuvre on Mr Maynard and gave him a few blows on his back, managing to dislodge the trapped food. The pub staff then took over the situation to attend to Peter.

First aid trained but never having to put the skills into practice, Dan was pleased Peter is doing well and that this story thankfully has a happy ending.

After some searching on social media over the weekend, Peter found Dan on, Facebook, to thank him.

Pete wrote on social media: “Yes, I do owe my life to the heroic act of a stranger who never hesitated to step in and help such a brave man to help. Thank you. I do truly hope I find out who you are. Oh, and apologies if you were eating in The Super Mare when it happened, and I hope I didn’t put you off your food.”

Daniel replied: “Hi Sara and Pete, I’m so glad I was able to help, and I’m very pleased to hear that Pete is doing well. Thank you so much for your kind words it was a scary situation but thankfully it had a happy ending.”

Dan has received much praise locally and on social media – his phone hasn’t stopped pinging with notifications!

Due to the selfless act, Weston-super-Mare deputy mayor Peter McAleer will be presenting Daniel the November Community Spotlight Award for his actions.

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