Somerset Community Foundation (SCF) has opened a special round of the Hinkley Point C Small Grants programme to support the day-to-day running costs of community groups who were significantly affected during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Grants are now available for what is sometimes known as ‘core costs’ – or every day running costs. Val Bishop, Programmes Director at SCF, said: “The pandemic has hit small community groups and charities hard, and many of them have not been able to fundraise as they would have normally, with activities like fun runs, charity dinners and coffee mornings all unable to go ahead. Many groups and charities have struggled financially.
“Since the start of the outbreak, these groups have proved themselves invaluable during this time of crisis. It’s important to us that we make our funding as accessible and flexible as possible, so our sector is able to continue to help build stronger communities, so important in those areas affected by the HPC project.”
The HPC Community Fund’s Small Grants programme is welcoming applications for grants of up to £5,000 from community groups and organisations who work in places that have been impacted by the HPC development and who have been affected by the pandemic, to help support their core costs as communities start to recover from the impacts of the Coronavirus outbreak. The fund will also continue to accept applications that apply for project or activity costs.
SCF expects to award up to £50,000 towards core costs in this round.
Programme Manager for the Somerset Community Foundation’s HPC Small Grants programme, Peter Stolze (pictured), will host a presentation via Zoom on Wednesday, September 8, at 11am. The free-of-charge event, which should last around an hour and will be a great chance to find out if the funding can help and to ask questions.
To book a place on the September event, visit:
Applications to the next round of HPC Small Grants can be made by visiting: and the deadline to apply is Wednesday, September 29.
The HPC Community Fund is part of a wider £20 million commitment of funding, provided by EDF through Section 106 agreements, for communities that are affected by the development of the new nuclear power station, to promote their social, economic and environmental wellbeing and enhance their quality of life.
If you run a local community project in Somerset and would like to find out more about grant funding from the HPC Community Fund please email Somerset Community Foundation at:, call: 01749 344949 or visit:
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