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Heart of the South West Chief Executive Retiring in July

It has been announced that Chief Executive of the Hearth of the South West LEP, Chris Garcia, is taking up his statutory retirement this summer.  The LEP has started the recruitment process for his replacement.

Chris has been the chief executive of the HotSW LEP – one of the largest in the country – for five years. During this time, from a zero baseline budget, the LEP has generated an investment programme of nearly three-quarters of a billion pounds, funding over 60 infrastructure, skills and business support projects.

Steve Hindley CBE DL, Chair of the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “I wish Chris all the best for his retirement after years of excellent progress in build effective Partnerships to build us into a very effective Local Enterprise Partnership.

“Chris’s tenacity and expertise have helped HotSW become one of England’s most successful LEPs; both in terms of attracting investment from government and securing strategic backing from stakeholders and business.

“As we approach the next phase towards improving productivity and prosperity for all, we look forward to attracting the highest calibre of candidates in the recruitment process for a new Chief Executive, who will bring their creativity and leadership to the role.”

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