Would a digital apprentice help your business or could you benefit from an extra pair of hands by taking on a digital T-Level student?
Join Digital Somerset for a relaxed drink, some pizza and networking and the opportunity to hear about the various digital offerings available from Somerset’s colleges have and how businesses can directly benefit.
The event, which will be held in Collar Factory, Taunton, on Tuesday, November 22, is sponsored by Bridgwater & Taunton College, while the evening’s pizza will be sponsored by Richard Huish College, Taunton.
The evening runs from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, with the chance to ask questions as well as finding out more about the sponsors.
A spokesman for Bridgwater & Taunton College said: “It is becoming increasingly apparent that employers and young people need to consider the emergence of green skills and the benefits it can bring to their business, future learning and career path.
“The Digital Sector is very much at the forefront of the new Green Skills agenda and as a college we are keen to remain at the forefront of the discussion. From T Levels, full-time programmes, Bootcamps and apprenticeships to bite-size distance learning modules – we have so much to offer to help futureproof the digital skills within Somerset.
“The college’s newly developed Centre of Digital Technologies based at our Taunton Campus offer innovative and cutting-edge technologies including high-specification PC labs, a new eSports suite, a VR lab which includes an omnidirectional treadmill together with multiplayer immersive experiences and finally our Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education (AATCe) for app development using Swift.
“In the coming months, we hope to open up these resources to engage with local employers and the community through a wide-range of digitally focus educational, commercial and professional programmes.”
More information and tickets and are available online at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/digital-somerset-02-tickets-441023632557
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