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Cycle from London to Paris with St Margaret's Hospice Care

Cyclists in Somerset are being offered a chance to ride from London to Paris next summer in aid of St Margaret’s Hospice Care.

A group of fundraisers will make memories to cherish forever as they take on the 315-mile journey from capital to capital before watching the finale of the Tour de France.

Anyone interested in joining the trip can find out more at an information evening on Tuesday, July 16, from 6pm to 8pm at St Margaret’s Hospice in Taunton.

Sonia Bateman, the charity’s events fundraiser, said: “The evening will be a great opportunity to find out all about this amazing cycling experience and we hope it will inspire people to join us. As well as giving you something exciting to look forward to, signing up nice and early makes raising sponsorship and training for the ride much easier.

“Our overseas cycle rides are always a highly rewarding challenge and this tale of two cities promises to be the best of times for any cycling enthusiast.”

Last year, nearly 2,400 people took part in a variety of fundraising events organised by St Margaret’s Hospice Care to help the charity care for patients and families facing a life-limiting illness in Somerset.

The London to Paris cycle ride will start on Wednesday, July 15, 2020. Riders will travel through the Kent countryside to Dover before crossing the Channel to Calais. Their adventure will continue through quiet country lanes and the rolling fields of Northern France, passing the war memorials and cemeteries of the Somme.

The four-day challenge will culminate with a memorable finish on the Champs-Élysées, where the next day the group will have a chance to celebrate their achievement by witnessing the climax of the Tour de France.

For more details and to book your place at the information evening on July 16, visit or call Sonia on 01823 365604.

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