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Cooper Associates Group launches new charitable foundation

Cooper Associates Group has announced the launch of its charitable Cooper Associates Foundation, which will support organisations and charities within the local community. 

The company is already a keen supporter of a number of local organisations and is well known for being the ground naming rights partner at the Cooper Associates County Ground, the home of Somerset County Cricket Club. Tom Abell, captain of Somerset CCC, is a trustee of the Cooper Associates Foundation.

Ros Kirk, Head of People Strategy & Development at Cooper Associates Group, said: “The Cooper Associates Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Cooper Associates Group, acting to support charities through clients and partners associated with the Cooper Associates community. 

“Our giving is guided by themes, with the main focus on children and young people who have special needs through illness or disability, or who are disadvantaged in other ways.  We will also look to support other good causes within the Taunton region.”

Ros said the foundation was also keen support small to medium-sized charities which would benefit substantially from a donation. National charities would only be considered if they could clearly show the money would be spent in the local community.

“Importantly, all of our Foundation’s administration costs are covered, so everything raised goes straight to the charities we support,” Ros said.

Cooper Associates was formed in 2008 and has experienced rapid growth in its first decade.  The business consists of three brands; Cooper Associates Mortgages, Cooper Associates Accountants and Cooper Associates Wealth Management, a Senior Partner Practice of St. James’s Place Wealth Management.

Ros said foundation funds would be raised in a number of different ways: “Initially, we will rely on our colleagues at Cooper Associates, who are keen to support our charitable Foundation in any way they can.  This will include donating from their earnings and organising a variety of fundraising events.

“We are also hoping some people will follow in the footsteps of Owen Irish, one of our mortgage advisers, and take on an amazing challenge.

“Owen ran three marathons in three days last year, raising over £5,000 in the process – a fantastic amount of money for an astounding achievement. In addition to this, we will be hosting our first charity ball later in the year,” said Ros

Any local charities or organisations which are looking for support can contact the foundation by emailing for more information about current themes and funding criteria.

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