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Charity clay shoot pulls in £3,800

Charity fundraisers from the Taunton and Bristol offices of law firm Clarke Willmott LLP have been exploring pastures new this autumn with their first ever Charity Clay Shoot, raising over £3,800 in aid of office charities, Pancreatic Cancer UK and SAVES (Somerset Accident Voluntary Emergency Service).

The format of the shoot offered 10 teams of four guns the chance to shoot eight stands of 10 birds, plus an 80-bird flush, and also featured a guest appearance by former English Open Sporting champion Chris Childerhouse. Well known for being an extremely quick shot, Chris gave up his day to compete on a stand against each team for a donation of £10 per gun.

The event was sponsored by Bristol’s Jaguar Land Rover dealership, Guy Salmon, and took place among 55 acres of natural woodland at Lady’s Wood Shooting School, Chipping Sodbury.

Clarke Willmott partner Simon Freeman, who hosted the fundraiser, said: “We are delighted our first charity clay shoot proved so popular and raised a decent sum of money for our chosen good causes.

“Many thanks to everyone who took part and the numerous people who contributed to its success. We very much hope to make this an annual event.” 

Including a hog-roast lunch, followed by a charity auction conducted by Andrew Luxton of Stags, with lots donated by Abbey Ling of Ling Shooting School, Phillip Hobbs of Sandhill Racing Stables, and David Kenyon of Crowcombe Court, the day was well supported and much enjoyed by Clarke Willmott’s clients and guests.

Clarke Willmott’s own agricultural law team managed the highest team score against Chris Childerhouse, while Ben Trickey of Summerfield Developments proved the luckiest gun in the pre-lunch game of heads and tails to scoop the shooting coat donated by Just Cartridges. 

The team from Stags Estate Agents went away with trophies for both best team flush and overall best team score. Winner of the mammoth bottle of sloe gin commissioned especially for the day plus the coveted accolade of high gun was Martyn Venner of Greenslade Taylor Hunt.

Amy Hannagan, corporate fundraising officer for Pancreatic Cancer UK, said: “Money raised from this event could fund 50 hours of nurse support on the UK’s only dedicated pancreatic cancer support line, which is there for anyone who has been affected by this devastating disease.

“We are incredibly grateful to Clarke Willmott for organising this event and excited to continue working with them over the next two years.”

Andy Newland, a trustee of SAVES, said: “We are a small local charity and the monies raised will significantly contribute to some of the annual recurring costs that we have to meet to keep our volunteer doctors responding to trauma emergencies in and around Somerset.

“For example, all our doctors have to routinely undertake blue-light response driver training and are subject to additional insurance costs, which the funds raised at this event will no doubt cover for the next financial year – and for this we are so very grateful.”

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