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Bristol Airport increases its electric vehicles fleet

Bristol Airport has invested in three additional electric Nissan e-NV200 vans to its landside and airside operations.

The new Nissan e-NV200 vans were provided by Trenton Nissan in Hull and the vehicles have previously been awarded former International Van of the Year, this brings the total number of electric vehicles on site to five. The additional Nissan e-NV200 vehicles combines storage space, manoeuvrability, safety and will use the electric charging points installed throughout the airport.

Bristol Airport will be receiving delivery of a fully electric e-COBUS 3000 at the end of May which will have the capacity to carry up to 110 customers to and from the terminal building and aircraft. A previous diesel COBUS will be re-manufactured and converted into a fully electric e-COBUS 3000 for the airport’s airside operations.

Both the e-COBUS 3000 and the new Nissan e-NV200 Combi vans are another step forward in the Airport’s aim to achieve net zero operations by 2030. Bristol Airport has already made three key commitments to be a net zero airfield, with net zero buildings and operate a net zero fleet of vehicles by 2030.

Martin Fisher, Motor Transport Manager at Bristol Airport, said: “We are delighted to add three additional Nissan e-NV200 vehicles to our fleet at Bristol Airport. Sustainability is a key focus for us and we are always looking to explore different technology which can help us reduce our impact on the local environment.

“Our sustainability achievements and ambitions, which has been recognised at a global level, has always been a driver of our development and is now very firmly integrated into our business. This project is only one of many in where we are working on to achieve being a net zero Airport operation by 2030.”

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