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bibic appeals for new trustees to join charity's board

Children’s charity bibic is appealing for volunteers to join the board as trustees. The board meets six times a year and board meetings are held virtually, lasting around two hours.

bibic helps children and young people with neurological or genetic conditions to achieve their full potential, delivering individualised developmental therapy and training to parents and professionals.

The charity is already planning to take its therapy services directly into family homes and the community and is also planning to develop services with schools and other public organisations, as well as increasing its training model for professionals.

Could you help us as part of this journey and volunteer a small amount of your time each month to become a Trustee?

Pip Buckley, of bibic, said: “The role of a trustee is really rewarding and you’ll have the opportunity to influence the strategic direction our charity takes, as well as learning new skills along the way. In return, you’ll help bibic to grow and support even more parents and carers of children with learning difficulties and disabilities access our support.”

To register interest or ask questions, please e-mail: Or to apply, please send a CV and cover letter stating why you are interested in applying for the role the charity’s Chair, Laura Voyle:

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